Slash & Fuck

Episode 15: Blood Circle

Episode Summary

Thea and Astris face specters from their past, while learning new things about their powers.

Episode Transcription

[0:00] Hello, and welcome to Slash and Fuck, a stupid sexy D&D podcast. As the title suggests, we are a mature podcast and we'll be dealing with adult themes and content as our story unfolds. Since you're here, I want to thank you for starting this journey with us, and we hope you enjoy your stay. So without further ado, let's slip into something a little more comfortable.

[0:37] Welcome back to slash and fuck another horny adventure uh starting off in a horrifying place yay.

[0:46] It gets me excited.

[0:50] That's right that's what we're here for uh excited where we last left off the wonderful players had found themselves in some liminal dimension and the.

[1:04] Edging dimension as i started calling it in my head.

[1:07] And that's right but it's tainted we solved it and then there are no problems.

[1:10] We just need we're just lost now yeah but there are no problems because we solved it right yeah.

[1:17] Yeah, you're on the taint's edge. That's what this place is called.

[1:22] Totally safe.

[1:23] The edge of the taint. You both traveled for what felt like a day or so in completely endless samey environment, gray, lit by storm clouds. And you came across a magic node that was corrupted by the taint. after uh actually you didn't really think too much about it just ran right in and we were.

[1:51] Like that looks like a thing we should fuck with.

[1:53] And uh yeah obviously cut your hand open uh asterisk and use lay on hands on the crystal while it was simultaneously throwing mouth bats at you guys to.

[2:08] Suck my toes.

[2:09] One of them yeah oh but it was there sucked.

[2:13] Your toe and then later Yeah, a lot of toe-sucking.

[2:16] Just the one. But then it ended in murder. And yeah, you guys fought off the mouth bats and ended up purifying the node. And you saw it slip away from this dimension.

[2:30] Fuck yeah.

[2:31] You continued on. Afterwards, actually, the plane that you're on seemed to change all around you. You're surrounded by lines and lines of crops, endless to the horizon. And you notice that these crops were fruits of some kind. And upon further inspection, realized they were all kinds of different things like body parts and skin and organs and stuff like that. Only for King Flood to start freaking out right as poor Thea was reached at and grabbed at by some of the crops around.

[3:08] Right.

[3:09] Too pretty to exist.

[3:12] There was no toe sucking there, though.

[3:14] No, just grabbing.

[3:14] There were no mouths there.

[3:16] Not yet.

[3:17] But a pair of legs did appear, creaking its way towards you at full speed. I wanted to forget. Faster than you'd see people running, obviously. It's just leg strength, nothing up top. But, of course, the hand and the legs were obliterated by the time Theo was done squealing. Only for King Floof to tell you all to start running and started bounding his way as best he could forward the direction you were going. And you saw behind you the lines of crops coming to life and moving towards you.

[3:54] Fuck!

[3:56] So.

[3:56] Oh no. Oh no.

[3:58] No. No.

[4:00] As I said last time, King Floof, you know, you see him just kind of bouncing from point to point rather than sprinting. you see one of his legs, you know, shaking violently is something like tries to grab onto it. And he looks like he's having a terrible time. Both Thea and Asteris start to notice that around your feet, the vines or what could be vines, maybe intestines. What are those? Yeah, starting to wrap around your feet and stuff. So the ground itself is moving to try to catch you trapio oh.

[4:32] I'm just constantly doing like a like a hop dance like it's the worst run anyone's ever seen i'm just like.

[4:38] And it squishes and it's slippery it's kind of like running on algae you don't really want to look at what you're sliding on sometimes you just kind of you know like when you accidentally step on a snail you know there's a lot of that kind of like oh but it's not snails oh it's slugs even worse maybe oh all the all the things that you've looked down at and inspected look to be parts of a human or human being of some kind.

[5:07] There are tails around here.

[5:09] Too. Yeah, tails and ears and eyes. Lots of eyes.

[5:13] Lots of eyes. They like to watch.

[5:16] Any balls? Any just balls?

[5:18] Just a singular ball?

[5:19] Just a ball.

[5:20] Yeah.

[5:21] Oh, no. Poor buddy.

[5:24] Hanging on a singular little sapling, basically.

[5:28] Oh, it's okay, dude. We're trying to put a stop to this. Don't worry. We're going to save your other ball.

[5:31] That poor guy is in denial. He just keeps going to work. I don't know. I'm not going to tell him. I tell my doctor. No way. so you guys are running oh yeah you notice that everything in front of you is it's coming to life but everything behind you is if it can move it is moving it's springing up and hanging on to anything else that's moving so you see this mass starting to form as like it gets closer and it's moving kind of slow at first but it seems like it's gaining momentum as it gets uh appendages and stuff that can make it move faster as it kind of crawls across the ground right now. It's not running or anything, but you're just this noise is like a skin on skin and, you know, a mass rubbing together with liquids and whatnot.

[6:28] Wet and rubby.

[6:29] Bunch of hands and arms just grabbing and pulling it along the ground behind you.

[6:34] God, it's so gross. This is like the worst Voltron I've ever seen.

[6:40] How far away are we from the mass beginning to form good question.

[6:45] You're getting away from it it's moving maybe five feet around 10 feet around or something like that okay that's it's you're seeing it move though and it's doing things uh so you're getting away from it you know 20 feet 25 feet ish i mean you're moving at half speed you're going as fast as you can but you're definitely like get the fuck away from this thing um.

[7:08] But we're gaining on it.

[7:09] You're gaining.

[7:10] Okay. We're gaining distance.

[7:11] You're losing it.

[7:12] Yeah. That's, yes, thank you.

[7:15] We're getting away.

[7:15] We're gaining on it. We're not chasing it.

[7:18] All right, we'll just loop around and catch it from behind.

[7:21] They'll never see it coming.

[7:23] It doesn't have eyes. Yeah, you're like, flank maneuver. No, not now. You continue to run and run and run. And eventually, the mass behind you gets smaller and smaller. You don't know what's going on with it, but you're getting so far away from it that you're not really seeing what's going on. You continue to move away from it in the direction that is not forming a giant mass. And you notice eventually the croplines give way to what looks like a reflective glassy plane in front of you that reflects the storm clouds above.

[8:01] Neat.

[8:03] Kink Floof runs up, like stops. You see, you know, the whole skidding haul and his hair stands straight up with his tail up and kind of doing this like booty wiggle back and forth thing. Touches the surface across the field and then lifts his finger and lifts his paw and starts shaking it and then looks behind him and just jumps out. And it looks like it's maybe a millimeter deep water. Kind of looks like he's running on top of the water there. But it's pretty funny Because he keeps flicking all of his feet Every time they land So a lot of splashing and splittering And his ears are flat And behind him He turns around Comes bounding back And he whispers in your ear And he's like My fucking wings don't work.

[8:56] So I'm just going to like sort of scoop him up and give him a little cuddle and be like, oh, it's okay, buddy. Don't worry about it. Just right up on here.

[9:04] He's chest to chest with you and his paws are on kind of either side of your shoulders. And you feel all of his claws just kind of go straight into your chest. And he's like, it's not okay. But he, you know, gets closer.

[9:16] Oh, we'll figure it out when we're out of this plane. Don't worry about it.

[9:21] You guys continue on. you're walking through a reflective flat almost looks like a salt flat in a way.

[9:29] Decidedly more pleasant.

[9:30] Yes eerie though and um seeing the reflection of the sky kind of makes you feel like you're just wandering around in the ether you are walking at a normal pace now unobstructed i don't know are you guys still moving as fast as you can or is this something where you're gonna take your time and look where you're going make sure i.

[9:51] Feel like especially since we can't see the bottom you know this is probably the largest body of water like thea's ever seen so she's probably like whoa what the fuck so she's like not sure if there's ever gonna be just like a straight drop off also she's exhausted she's not a creature that's meant to run that hard and that far so like every muscle in her hurts and this sucks.

[10:19] Yeah okay so you're not um sprinting or anything no.

[10:25] Probably not sprinting but like not being lazy either.

[10:27] It's not difficult terrain so you're not exerting so much energy just to go a normal speed.

[10:33] The relief is palpable.

[10:36] Thea's attendants have been peeking their heads one by one out of her little bag and uh all of them have their fingers out over the top and you can see their eyeballs poking out. They all look horrified at what they're seeing.

[10:50] I know, girlies. It's a lot.

[10:53] They duck their heads down all at once and you hear bubbling. I'm not sure where. Nothing popped on the surface or changed much of the surface. In fact, your footfalls don't really go much further than about a foot further than your feet. It's not like you're getting any wave patterns or any disturbances going out into the greater water area.

[11:17] Asteris, did you hear that?

[11:20] Yeah, you heard like a deep like... Kind of an underwater bubbling, but you didn't get the pop of it coming to the surface.

[11:29] I don't like that.

[11:30] I don't like it either.

[11:32] I look behind me to see if there's anything following us immediately.

[11:38] No. Just out of your visual range, I mean, just barely, you can see how the terrain changes back to the crop lines. So it's not like once you're here, you can't see back.

[11:52] Okay.

[11:52] But knowing that, you know that the giant amalgamation of parts is still over there.

[11:59] And it can still come.

[12:00] Yeah. It either calmed down, went back to its crop lines, or it's still assembling and on its way after you.

[12:07] Yeah.

[12:07] I feel like it's best to assume.

[12:09] Yeah, just like, we don't know where we're going. I don't know if we just stand here. Like, keep going, I guess.

[12:16] Right? Keep pressing on. Maybe a little faster now that there's scary bloopy sounds happening.

[12:22] You paused for just a second when you heard the blooping sounds and like, okay, let's keep going. You hear him a little bit more fainter from off to the right behind you, 30 feet out, but it sounds like it's beneath you. The ground that you walk on obviously has that thin layer of water over it, but it feels fully level and smooth. It's not slippery like ice. but as you keep walking and you keep hearing those noises suddenly something causes you to pause and the landscape around you starts to shift again oh.

[13:00] Fuck asterisk fuck fuck fuck and i grab hold of asterisk and i grab hold of king floof.

[13:04] You both notice the ground starts to change as something looks like it's rising out of it all around you not all together but in different areas it looks like their faces rising out of the water, awful the faces don't look humanoid they look monstrous in a way smaller longer uh snouts reptilian they rise slowly and you see their faces first their snouts and then they begin to move their heads as they come out of it and then you start to see them climbing out pulling themselves out of whatever muck they're in, and you notice once they get their heads out they're kobolds and they look terrible they're they look like they have drowned they look like their skin is bloated and their eyes are bloated their mouths seem to stretch further back than they should and their mouths start to open in this grimace pain a giant twisted smile are.

[14:16] These the kobolds from the waterfall.

[14:17] That might be when you were on the river.

[14:20] Buck! Yeah.

[14:21] The Aurora. Yeah. You remembered them diving into the water.

[14:25] Oh, my buddies, I tried. I'm so sorry.

[14:30] They begin to pull themselves up. They're about chest level now, and they're writhing and making horrific noises. They remind you of the tainted beings you've fought before. They seem to be fully tainted.

[14:45] Oh, God. They're probably not going to listen to us. We should start running, right? We should start running, right? That seems... Right?

[14:54] Like, where?

[14:56] Away? Question mark?

[14:59] So you're surrounded.

[15:00] Oh, cool.

[15:01] Cool.

[15:02] Some of these kobolds that are coming out, they can't walk. They can't move much. Some are rolling. Some are clawing their way toward you. Some can walk. They all seem really messed up. Like their bones are broken in place, their legs, things like that. And so zombie like some begin to approach and they're, you know, about the closest ones are probably about 50 feet away from you. Um, yeah, I'd say roll initiative.

[15:31] Okay. Sorry, buddies. Couldn't save you before, and I'm gonna have to put you down now. Off to a fantastic start. My initiative is five.

[15:45] All right.

[15:46] Eleven.

[15:47] Yay!

[15:48] So we got crit, and then me, and then Thea.

[15:53] All right. Battling the tar pit.

[15:56] That's right. um.

[15:58] It's literally impossible to win against a tar pit as evidenced by the fucking dinosaurs i'm just saying if.

[16:06] A dinosaur can't do what i can't.

[16:07] Do i'm feeling a little hopeless.

[16:10] So where you're stepping actually it's not like it suddenly becomes a marsh or a bog or whatever around you you still have solid ground beneath your feet it seems that whatever realm they're crawling through is giving way for them that's.

[16:24] The better option for us i'm okay with that.

[16:26] I like that for them too. I mean, unless you want to be swimming.

[16:28] No, I do not. I do not. I very do not.

[16:31] Different scene, please.

[16:33] No.

[16:34] Scene change.

[16:35] You don't want a water level?

[16:36] No.

[16:37] No one wants a water level. Ever.

[16:41] All right. Asterisk, you are armed and ready and have been. And you are surveying the field. The closest kobold to you is about 40, 50 feet. that looks like it can get to you and do damage. They don't seem to have weapons. They're just brandishing their claws and their enormous mouths that have distended down to their chests with an impossible number of sharp teeth stuffing their mouths full. I don't like it.

[17:11] Nope.

[17:12] My instinct is to stay where I am and provide cover for Thea.

[17:17] I'll stay close to you. What if we're like back to back?

[17:21] Yes, hot. hot girl shit ah okay yeah so i ready my shield and my morning star because we're about to be surrounded i mean we are surrounded um but.

[17:31] About to be more surrounded.

[17:32] Yeah and all my stuff is.

[17:33] Pretty single target so i'm same yeah i'm.

[17:36] Just gonna you're still in magic girl form um yeah.

[17:39] Yeah so i'd like to um ready an action to impose disadvantage on any creature that attempts to attack Thea.

[17:48] Very good and now it's my turn the uh kobolds surrounding you continue to worm their way out of where they're coming from and uh more and more being able to stand or at least run on all fours or maybe three you know but you got hopping and rolling and crawling there are a few that I mean several that are within range a few that seem more threatening than others, surrounding you, Thea, if you want to start popping off or if you want to prepare, anything like that.

[18:18] All right, so I'm going to cast my favorite spell, the only spell I ever cast. Armor of Oberon. I'm going to get me them hit points.

[18:29] It's your most reliable. It always works.

[18:32] It scales up with level.

[18:35] That's right. Daddy up.

[18:37] That gives me 10 additional hit points.

[18:40] Amazing. Yeah. A spectral malachite dong encases you for a moment before.

[18:47] Dong.

[18:48] Thank you, daddy.

[18:50] It's like an Iron Maiden.

[18:52] But it's a genius. It shuts around you like that.

[18:55] I fucking love it.

[18:57] That's hilarious. No spikes, though. It's all tongues and dongs.

[19:00] Ooh, daddy.

[19:01] Fuck me. That's hilarious.

[19:02] You're like, what?

[19:03] It's about to.

[19:05] Here are a few pounds, and then it shatters, and you're all shiny.

[19:10] I love that.

[19:13] Hands on the back, front, dongs in the right places, and then just tongues everywhere else.

[19:20] I love this. That's an amazing idea.

[19:25] A sexual iron maiden yeah the boo box the boo box all right and uh does that that takes up your whole turn because you're not moving not doing anything else now it's astrus's turn the creatures the kobolds have started getting closer in a ring around you this kind of uh defensive formation that you're in is the best one that you can be in but you know it's a kind of a losing one from being outnumbered how close do you need to be for her to benefit from your we.

[19:56] Have to be within five feet of each other.

[19:57] Five feet all right.

[19:59] I will stick to you like glue.

[20:01] What i can say is asterisk you can elect to lower your initiative to lockstep with thea's.

[20:08] Lower my initiative.

[20:09] Yes okay since you're rowing first you can elect to go later in the round and if you lockstep with thea you can coordinate by moving together and then yes yeah.

[20:21] I see yeah i'd like to do that.

[20:24] I don't know if that's still raw but that was an such an obscure 3.5 rule we dug up in um character dueling but it was such a good one we kept using it every dungeon crawl like no okay hold on we're gonna change our initiative order if you're higher than you can elect to go further down oh.

[20:42] That makes total sense yeah i got okay i'd rather go last every.

[20:46] Time from now on like.

[20:49] Yeah, so I'll hold my movement, however we're going to say that. We'll go together.

[20:54] You have elected to do the things you were doing at the same time. The kobolds, again, close in. But you hear something weird. A scream on the wind that you can't feel. It sounds like a whinny from a horse, but gargling as if its throat was slashed or something. You hear on the wind Stomping the hooves Clattering through the water And before you can see it It sounds like it's upon you In the distance you see a horse The horse you recognize That Raul is on What? No, Raul's not down here Shut up Take it back You hear on the wind a howl From all of the kobolds around you, a morning sound as the horse approaches with a figure on it a headless figure with one arm its body contorting weirdly but holding its its arm aloft high in the air and looks like it's circling in to the kobolds circling you oh.

[22:05] That sucks hard oh buddy.

[22:08] I don't think i could lay on hands that he's missing a head yeah.

[22:13] That's a tough fix buddy.

[22:14] Well think of it this way everything here seems to be the corrupted portion of the real version oh wait like so it's not like the legs that got cut off no it's the legs that are that are tainted in the material so somebody somebody has a tainted pair of legs that are kicking wildly as you notice the tainted creature the dragonborn the monster dragon man seemed to be fully corrupted by the taint and was no longer able to control itself so it's sort of a reflection of what's what's corrupted in the real world is what you can intuit at least oh no so somewhere raul is hole up either with that horse or not, but his head and his left shoulder and arm are still unaffected. The circling in of what appears to be Raul gives pause to the kobolds surrounding you. They're still crawling out, but they've turned to face him and like, oh, you know, but it's more.

[23:32] You do hear, you know, echoes of that of his name on the wind you can't feel. And now it's both of your turns. Asterisk, you're technically first So Okay.

[23:45] Raul's circling The kobolds are pausing Call out.

[23:50] To him Maybe he'll listen.

[23:52] Oh yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, I'll just call out It's.

[23:55] A little long shot I mean.

[23:57] You can coordinate with Thea here Yeah You know, it's not like you go, she goes Like if you needed to move or do something in tandem Now Asterisk.

[24:06] What do you need? Asterisk, if you need to leave me and go touch that and go and go touch that man with your magic hand.

[24:12] Yeah we'll figure it out just go slap his.

[24:17] Leg i'll figure it out i'll follow you let's run.

[24:21] Okay okay i like that right i feel like if we stack.

[24:24] Up behind her shield we can push our way out of the ring and then touch a thigh did.

[24:28] You say how far away roll is.

[24:30] 30 feet.

[24:32] Yeah i feel like if we run to him as he's coming toward us we'll we'll get him.

[24:36] Yeah we'll get him all right i want to go touch that man um.

[24:40] Touch that man and i was just kind of wishing i could um cast a protect but let's move together yeah to raul um i'll.

[24:51] Stand behind you you have your shield out it'll be fine.

[24:54] Yeah perfect um and if we have to push through some kobolds we push through some kobolds and see technically if we're pushing through together i would provoke an attack of opportunity on them first and then they wouldn't have one for you.

[25:09] Well that's fucking true yes this is the way is that and they also have disadvantage anyway because you're like hold on to my pocket real quick and then you just walk through the front hold.

[25:21] My hand yes ma'am.

[25:24] You do provoke several attacks of opportunity they are uh numerous but many of them are ineffectual I'm not even going to roll it you are getting just like.

[25:35] In the little.

[25:36] You know like some of them are just picking up their own leg and throwing it at you, yeah they don't even have their little like sticks that they're throwing, so they're like they're trying to use the little javelin so they're like whipping like their shirts like whips um you know but a few of them are actually like you know trying to bite They're doing their best.

[26:01] I'm a little proud.

[26:03] Just.

[26:04] Like they were before.

[26:05] No difference no difference yeah they don't they don't hit you as you're going through or Thea, the horse and rider notices you as you charge through them and turns to face you and raises his short sword up in the air kind of jerkily I thought you said it was an arm it's his arm yeah yeah he's not holding an arm.

[26:36] Oh sorry when you said he was holding an arm up earlier i interpreted that as he's holding an arm.

[26:43] Oh yeah so amelia.

[26:46] Bedelia of you.

[26:47] It's it's a horror scene i could see it yeah uh no this time he's not just holding his arm up he is holding a sword within his grasp i.

[26:57] See i love.

[26:59] Well from a distance that's what i saw that's.

[27:03] Fair you listen we were just getting chased by body parts i think that's totally fair.

[27:06] You're like he's got an arm where the fuck did he get a sword here seriously yeah where did he get a sword all right and uh he, comes to meet you and you meet at the same time so do you want to reach out and try and lay on hands the horse or him upon the horse as he's coming towards you yeah.

[27:30] I'll try to get a hand on him or his leg but i'll call out to him as i do it i'll say raul it's me it's asterisk.

[27:38] Okay can.

[27:39] I can i like as she does that can i try to like grab the horse's reins and like slow it down be like hey hey hey hey hey.

[27:45] Oh it's running at you oh like directly oh yeah you're behind asterisks.

[27:50] Charged by a horse. It's not great.

[27:53] I don't know if we're going to be able to grab it until we stop the horse.

[27:57] Yeah, that's true.

[27:59] Because if we try to do it, I don't know how we'll get in touch. That is true. You know what? What stops a horse?

[28:09] He says I can.

[28:12] You're pretty buff. You're a D&D character.

[28:18] You're a D&D magical girl.

[28:21] It's not running at a full gallop. You're not getting the lance coming down or anything like that, but it noticed you and you uh yell out raul and uh the the horse's gate went from uh more of like there's my enemy heading straight to it to a little bit more hesitant uh and the arm wavers a moment the arm holding the sword that is and but still continues toward you not uh gaining much speed though it seemed like it had just stuck to its original speed uh or the speed that it had gotten to when you said Raul. It reaches you and swings down and attacks at you, but at the same time, I'm going to give you an opportunity to roll an attack on him and touch him.

[29:14] Okay, I see.

[29:15] Ah, heal an unwilling target, I see.

[29:17] Right. It's like a charging target. You know, you're trying to like slap him, like not get hit and slap him at the same time.

[29:25] A little bit of a healing slap ass.

[29:26] So, I'll assume it's like an unarmed strike.

[29:29] All right. Yeah. If you're going, if you're going in on that right now, I will, I'm, since I'm behind you, I'm going to, I'm just going to like slap your ass and go like, you, you got this. You're inspired.

[29:39] Yes. Thanks, babe.

[29:40] And that's a D6.

[29:42] Love it. I will use it because this feels important. Fuck yeah. Nice. I pulled a six on the inspiration die.

[29:51] Fuck yeah.

[29:53] It's 22, baby.

[29:56] Hell yeah.

[29:56] I would hit myself with that.

[30:00] I was honestly making it harder because you're doing a very specific called shot, basically.

[30:06] Yeah.

[30:06] All right. Let's see if.

[30:07] Oh, thank you.

[30:12] So you run up. The horse is coming towards you. You slip to the side of the horse that Raul doesn't have an arm and avoid that sweeping strike that you know would be coming on that side because you're like, I'm no idiot. that guy's only got one side that he can attack from what an idiot uh you know your yeah your night brain is just like got it um so you slip to the safe side unfortunately the horse as you remember was a war-trained horse and uh like the good girl she was she hits you pretty fucking hard in the chest as you reach out and slap raul on the leg and get your leon hands off do you roll that.

[30:54] No i just use my pool.

[30:56] Okay to.

[30:57] Cure him of his disease.

[30:59] Alright.

[31:01] Be healed, dammit!

[31:02] Uh, you take, uh, three damage and, uh, roll a dexterity save. Or, you know what? No, a strength save.

[31:12] Okay.

[31:12] Yeah. Uh.

[31:14] Fifteen.

[31:15] Yeah, you, um, so the horse hits you in the chest pretty square with, you know, like one of its, you know, what would count as a shoulder or something. Uh, knocking the air out of you. It didn't take you off your feet.

[31:29] Like uh it it definitely could have be like but your arm snaked around and slapped raul and the light that emanates from your hand again bright white light streaked now with ribbons of blood that seem to feed back into it and empower it in ways like electricity arcing and having more connections as it gets further up and wraps itself around raul's leg it spreads further up and you see convulsions on the tainted areas uh like it's fighting back an infection and stops focusing on the two of you and uh.

[32:13] You hear a scream but it's coming from a throat with no mouth and it's horrifying uh like somebody being burned alive and in a way this uh purification looks like that but more about light and blood just burning through tearing through it all and it leaves behind a raw like a freshly molted dragonborn scales behind before finally leaving like open wounds where the head and arm would be raul drops his sword and slides off his saddle the horse keeps running going crazy and like kicking kobolds around and you know being insane you hear a gargled moan from the surrounding kobold as they say his name into the wind you can't feel.

[33:11] Their eyes seem to roll back into their heads and they start shaking too and they lie back onto their backs and start to lie still. You stand over what looks like Raul's body as it shimmers in that new molted scales how they look. You see the wounds that are seeping and bleeding into the ground or into the water around it just seems to sort of suck in underneath and then you start to see the body slowly dip under the waterline as it slides out of this realm and into the next. Just as you see the last of Raul's chest and the tips of his toes go under the waterline, you hear on that wind again, Armoor. And the rest of the kobolds sink beneath.

[34:05] Oh, shit.

[34:06] Breaking the spell upon all of them.

[34:08] Damn.

[34:09] We got the big boss kobold, and so it got all the other kobolds. Classic kobold.

[34:15] Classic kobold.

[34:16] Kobold domino situation.

[34:18] They just do whatever he wants. So they're like, okay, that's cool. We'll be fucking zombies, too.

[34:27] You're okay, boss.

[34:28] We're zombies now, boss. Sweet boss. Hey, he's never let us wrong before. Let's go jump in that river. God.

[34:38] That's so funny.

[34:39] Aw, fuck.

[34:41] Okay.

[34:42] We saved Raul.

[34:45] Armor. Armor.

[34:47] Armor.

[34:48] That got me. That is, like, by far the cutest nickname that's ever existed.

[34:54] It kind of worked perfectly.

[34:56] Yeah.

[34:57] I didn't really think about it at first. So just calling her armor. Listen, armor, you cannot jump at the mushroom. My God, she can.

[35:09] My armor. Yeah. I think we both impressed each other with mushroom jumping.

[35:16] Too big, too heavy.

[35:19] No, you haven't seen this armor, though.

[35:20] It was so romantic.

[35:22] Oh.

[35:23] As the kobolds and Raoul sink into the water, the water then sinks into the ground. This time, the ground isn't flat, and you're back in crop lines without crops.

[35:41] Oh, thank God.

[35:42] Just tilled fields, empty.

[35:44] Oh, good.

[35:45] As far as the eye can see. The storm clouds seem to be flashing more and more. they seem angry seems.

[35:54] Like the right way.

[35:55] The wind that you hear picks up like a howl in your ears and you sense that it feels like there's a massive storm happening that you can't feel um you catch the vibe though and you see the clouds starting to swirl more than they ever have and at one point you see through the clouds and you see a crescent moon glaring back at you for just a moment as the storm seems like it's picking up. The moon is covered quickly by the clouds again like it was just letting you know it's there.

[36:38] Fucking peeping, motherfucker. I'm gonna give this guy the finger. Fuck off.

[36:44] Yeah, same. i don't know what that is but off the sky.

[36:46] Like fuck off.

[36:51] Yeah i was just like what are we doing, right yeah one finger up like the wrong one, I'm pointing my index finger at it. Bad, bad sky.

[37:08] You're shaming it. You're shaming the shame god.

[37:11] You're under arrest.

[37:12] You need a permit for that.

[37:16] Though you can never truly get used to it, just a peek at that crescent moon was like being in the sacrificial chamber with the avatar of the smiler for just a moment. again as your insides seem to go up and down into places that make you feel very uncomfortable but it passes just as quickly as it came fucking.

[37:42] Hate this guy fucking hate this guy this fucking guy this fucking guy this fucking guy.

[37:52] You turn behind you and you see the amalgam of body parts rising from the horizon.

[38:02] Oh, fuck.

[38:03] I forgot. Oh, shit. Oh, God, guys, we gotta go!

[38:07] I don't have enough lay-on-hand points for that thing. I'm sorry.

[38:12] We could get it to roll into the water, and then we can, like, use the water.

[38:16] Ooh. What if we make a circle? Wait, is there time to draw a circle?

[38:23] Probably not.

[38:24] What? Like, how big?

[38:26] You know, like, big enough for the thing if it's coming at us.

[38:31] How big is it hold on I have a how do you feel about drinking cum.

[38:36] Um what.

[38:42] What if you used my cum vial of the supercharged Theo bullcum oh okay you'd have to drink it though I chug it.

[38:55] Well hold on, well you'd have to um it's fine let me set the scene here the amalgam you.

[39:08] Mentioned having to drink a liquid.

[39:10] Yeah i'm.

[39:11] Gonna skip ahead and chug it it's fine.

[39:13] The amalgam quickly approaching comes in a rumble it um looks like a mass of body parts like a garbage heap of pieces here and there It screeches with a thousand voices and arrives like a boulder down a hill or the tide rushing in against the cliffs. It moves.

[39:38] The tide is worse. That's a worse visual. I like that.

[39:40] Yeah, I hate that.

[39:41] I hate that a lot. Massive. It looks like it's maybe 40, 50 feet tall. Fuck. Just as wide, maybe wider. and as it approaches you notice a bunch of things flapping around it and flying from it and landing back into it like this giant macro organism and, That's so gross That's like.

[40:11] I want to fall to my knees and weep at the sight of this thing That's too big As a medieval person I've never seen a three story building right like so you're saying something 50 feet tall right yeah.

[40:25] It's moving like a glacier sliding across the ground i guess and.

[40:29] It is.

[40:31] Massive, shaped almost like a hood with the face facing towards you.

[40:39] Oh!

[40:40] And on the concave part of it, you see within are just, it's lined with eyes. Thousands and thousands of eyes of different sizes. And they move separately but together, coordinated, looking in every direction. some would start to move while the others will you know it's like one big iris that gets to move around uh thousands of eyes within this hooded area this.

[41:12] Is truly awful like that sucks.

[41:16] Yeah so and within i'm.

[41:18] Gonna need to come.

[41:20] Within the gigantic nest of eyes is one massive eye a huge huge eye that you want to say is maybe two or three feet across shit.

[41:34] That's a big eye whose.

[41:36] Fucking eye is that.

[41:38] Rolling inside chick oh.

[41:41] Yeah we're horrified but curious seven dirty 20 oh.

[41:47] Okay Okay. Asterisk, you are looking up at this thing and you're like, I've never seen anything this big that wasn't just a hill or whatever, you know, nothing moving. Certainly. This is insane. You look into the hood and see the eyes and you see the giant eye in the center and you're like, whoa, the only thing that has an eye that big that I've seen is a dragon.

[42:15] I fucking knew it. I fucking knew it.

[42:18] A dragon with an eye that big would be Glasswing.

[42:24] And just as you come to this realization, you see a wing sprout.

[42:29] No.

[42:31] Crooked and jerkily from the back of it, torn, ravaged.

[42:36] Oh, well, I guess we've got to cure this now.

[42:41] We've got to save the whole thing.

[42:42] We've got to save Glasswing.

[42:43] Yeah, I was about to be like, well, it sucks that everyone's going to lose all these body parts because there's nothing I can do.

[42:50] But explode in holy light. Just try to kill it. Like, swallow the grenade, walk into it.

[43:01] Here's the plan. I'm going to pull the vial of cum out from my hammer space, which is my hair, I think. And so I'm going to pull that out and be like, drink this. I'm going to put the tip of my weapon down in the ground and I'm going to start drawing a circle in the dirt.

[43:17] Yes.

[43:18] Drink this asterisk, we don't have much time.

[43:21] I chug it.

[43:23] Alright, so, you know what? Let's roll here on just a D6. It's fine. Let's see if you like it.

[43:31] Oh.

[43:32] High or low? High or low? Low. Low? Low. Let's see if you like it. Yeah. Alright. Fuck. Alright. What does that mean?

[43:42] So.

[43:43] That was a six.

[43:45] You take a shot of this, and it's difficult to get down all at once, and you're like, what and uh you know you just took it and started chugging she's like there's no time you have to drink this vial of cum but you were already halfway through it when she was saying vial of cum and so uh it made you pause for a second and consider uh just for a second and um you really want like a potion to wash this down with but you don't have any time it's um kind of kind of clings, Very, very strong And maybe not your thing Maybe not from a vial Wow Yeah, welcome Yeah, eyes are watering, And you drink No, honey, you don't chew it.

[44:32] You just.

[44:32] Swallow them whole.

[44:33] We watched that get made This is some fucking farm-to-table shit Yeah.

[44:38] My eyes are watering Like, you drink this Same.

[44:43] Yeah.

[44:44] Do we? On occasion? Oh, no.

[44:48] The idle between your breasts warms just a touch when you said that.

[44:53] But do I feel bad already? Is it like drinking something that puts hair on your chest, you know?

[45:00] Ah, Jaeger.

[45:01] No, yeah, definitely you're like, ah, ah, and you feel instantly empowered. Not in the same way that you had being enlarged. But you feel full to the brim with your divine potential and anything that you augment with your spells or magic or anything like that is going to pack a much bigger punch.

[45:28] Oh, fuck yeah. Do I feel like I'm going to be energized for an amount of time or do I feel like I'm going to be energized for like a one time? You know, if I do something once.

[45:39] Are you changed by this?

[45:40] Am I changed by this permanently? I hope so. That would be cool.

[45:44] Yeah the flavor doesn't matter anymore because you're like hold on i feel strong take a shot of this no matter you know yeah i've had protein breakfast before it's fine yeah right you just drink the eggs this is no different this.

[45:56] Is also drink the sperm.

[46:00] Just suck it down you um uh you're not quite sure this is a new sensation to you you feel like uh your next big hit's gonna be massive you're not sure you know you might have to test whether or not you can stretch this ability or not but it seems to be a new type of power um so explore with it now what is your guys's aim here because i'll give you guys a round to plan and finish your circle a round or two but what's your avenue of attack what do you guys are like okay okay what okay what are we gonna do um even king floof is going down like dragging his tail like into into to the ground too um you know trying to help.

[46:45] He is such a good little familiar.

[46:46] Yeah i guess ideally.

[46:49] We stand on the other side of it from the circle that we're drawing so that it just walks right into the circle right so that whatever we're doing is empowered by the circle i'm.

[47:00] Going to give you another inspiration.

[47:03] Oh thank you.

[47:04] This is a very important role so you get another one.

[47:07] You are creating a circle and asterisks reopen the wound on your hand and you've been following along squeezing out drops of blood into the circle. Kink Floof is working with you and seems to be right on the same page. This all feels like intuition and just knowledge that is bubbling to the surface as you go. The power asterisk guides you a bit as you build this circle. You finish the circle and stand in the center, right? Or are you guys luring it into the circle?

[47:45] Yeah, we're luring it in, so I guess we would be... I don't know if we need to be in or out of the circle.

[47:49] Yeah, maybe toward the back of it so that more can fit in the circle.

[47:53] Yeah.

[47:53] All right. You did this in a couple of rounds, so you did this running.

[47:57] Yeah. We're panting.

[47:58] Yeah, and scrambling. And then you get to the back of the circle furthest away from the oncoming amalgam of horror. You stand together holding hands. Asterisk, the hand that you cut. And you raise those hands together as the amalgam comes forward. King Floof is nowhere to be found.

[48:19] Good for him. Good boy.

[48:20] Now, you have basically one shot at this. We don't really need to do initiative since you're locked together and there's only one enemy here. There is no surprise round. you will be able to act first once it touches the circle. It looks like it's going to have reach, a lot of it. So you'll have maybe one round to do whatever that you're going to do before it's fully in the circle and in your face. So as I said, you're standing, holding hands, waiting for the moment. The mass approaches louder than ever. This rumbling and squealing and squishing and wet, horrible noise, along with a deep growl and roar behind it, approaches. And it is terrifying just in itself. There's nothing magical about how terrifying it is, except that it's also magically terrifying.

[49:20] Oh, no.

[49:22] Just in the Smiler essence. He's here controlling this in a big way. therefore you guys feel like you peed your pants in front of the school um i charge.

[49:32] Extra for that.

[49:33] I have you no right so that that feeling of uh shaking you comes on again and i'd like you both to roll wisdom saving throws okay 15 10.

[49:49] I could use the Bardic Inspiration on that.

[49:52] Yeah, you could.

[49:53] I used the Bardic Inspiration die, so I got 11.

[49:56] Well, good. Because it was a 50-50 shot that it would get you. It wasn't a hard one. It's one you passed before, so I made it easier than normal. That's hilarious.

[50:10] Wow.

[50:11] Fuck yeah.

[50:13] Yeah, that one almost got to you this time. You're like, I don't know.

[50:17] You just drank some cum, and it felt great.

[50:19] Yeah. But yeah, then you just licked your lips and you're like, oh, yeah, I had my eggs this morning.

[50:27] Oh, God.

[50:29] I do still have my potato egg. And I whipped that out at the last moment. That's my MacGuffin.

[50:37] Not even they deserve that.

[50:38] The amalgam screams and runs away.

[50:43] Correct.

[50:45] As the mass approaches, it finally touches the line of the circle. This feels like the time.

[50:53] Okay.

[50:54] All right, so we're holding hands.

[50:56] Yep.

[50:56] And I am going to channel divinity to sort of channel my lay on hands ability to Thea. And also there's blood on my hands.

[51:06] Cool. So then I'm holding your hand and I'm casting Mage Hand out toward the thing. Since you just spent a bardic inspiration, I'm going to give you another one because this role is important.

[51:17] Yes, thank you.

[51:17] And with the other hand, I'm going to grab her by the cheeks and just kiss her hard on the mouth and then turn your face back to the thing and go... fucking miss and then i'll start casting mage hand out toward the eye.

[51:31] The big eye in the center yeah all right so your hands are outstretched and the power of lilith courses from within asterisks and goes into that to your hand thea you've only really caught the barest scent of this power personally but now you can feel it and it is like being a vessel it's like when you activated the cum the last time in a way that's riding along with it but it flows through you you can feel it in your veins in your skin going through every part of your being it's the blood and it's powerful in a very tangible physical way like you're really pumped up like you've been working out kind of power yeah you reach over and plant one on asterisk and say don't fucking miss as you cast together this hand that comes out that first is purple shimmering with green undertones and then starts to grow these long red fingernails and it gets longer and more feminine and reaches out towards the large eye that's swiftly approaching on this mass. You weren't able to stop from kissing. You weren't able to turn back. You just aimed and fired.

[52:57] Fuck yeah.

[52:58] Roll a roll it to hit. It's gonna be pretty easy. It's a colossal. Okay. So that would be... It failed.

[53:08] Oh no.

[53:09] 19 plus 5 plus 5 is 29.

[53:13] Whoa!

[53:14] Alright.

[53:15] We cured cancer, dude.

[53:17] Roll your heal, the D8 or whatever it is for cure wounds. And then however much you're going to pump into your Leon hands.

[53:26] I got 15 points left after a healing roll.

[53:29] That's 10 whole healing. I've rolled a C.

[53:31] Woohoo.

[53:32] The creature, the amalgam, when it crossed the line of the circle, you cast your mage hand at it and it met the creature as it reached the center. at least the eye, reached the center. And the hand just gently put its palm up and laid it on the eye. The light that emanated from it is of purples and like falling leaves, changing leaves. There is what looks like sap running down and the hand melts into a sort of a smudge that turns to what looks like the texture of wood that starts to grow upon it and the sap continues to spread into the eye and the eye then begins to cry blood.

[54:23] You see a large drop of blood appear and fall. As the drop of blood lands in the circle, you are nearly blinded by a flash of light. And you see in the outline the silhouette of this amalgam that was ready to attack with long, huge, what looks like scorpion tails and claws from a huge crab. Different monstrous things, the wing of a dragon. You see this like a flash of lightning giving you a silhouette of this before it darkens. And the amalgam stops. It pauses and starts to settle in on itself like a mountain of garbage. And things start to shift and fall. And you start to see things shriveling up and shimmering and moving as the mass gets smaller and starts to descend into the floor of this plane. within the mass as you see all the tiny pieces the smaller pieces falling away and melting away you see what looks like to be the lumbering hulk of glass wing beneath it as the eye continues to cry but looks happy and closes slowly with the last tear blood and her wing furls up and she sinks into the floor of this plane i.

[55:42] Can't believe it got her.

[55:43] We would have died there's no way we could have fought that thing oh my god yeah and i just fall to my knees and weep because.

[55:51] That was fucking terrifying yeah you're both still holding hands you imagine you both fall and hold each yeah let's just like let's.

[55:59] Just lay down in the circle for a minute let's just have a lie down and like catch our breath.

[56:02] Yeah you are both holding each other and king floof is between you um purring and you can feel his purrs through both of your chests as it kind of resonates and you all kind of get on the same vibe and it's a calming sensation, feeling very traumatized. You're holding each other within the circle that you created and the fields of tilled land go flat again and seem to blow away into just a polished stone. The storm clouds have calmed above you. You seem to be able to see just one area off in the distance where there are storms. and, It seems the initial threat has passed for right now, and you have each other, and you knew that if you hadn't come up with something like that, you wouldn't be here right now. You wouldn't know where you would be.

[57:00] I can't believe that that fucking worked.

[57:04] It had to have worked.

[57:07] It was literally that, or die.

[57:10] Is that what faith is? That's crazy. lilith's.

[57:16] Notes were so useful.

[57:18] I can't believe it i'm exhausted i don't know where to go after this or what to do but are you okay i don't know after i i don't know i hope raul's okay i need to find him we need to find we need to find officer concubine carmilla we need to find carmilla, we need to find rocks we need to find drusilla drusilla um we.

[57:49] Need to find gilthanael again.

[57:51] We need to find eska.

[57:53] Most pressingly eska or i mean.

[57:55] Yeah after rocks that was we're in the short list you're right in the middle of that one uh.

[58:00] Pause this we'll be right back yeah hold on wait where's eska.

[58:05] Um yeah what i was trying to say is that we need to find, Carmilla we need to find we know where Rox is we don't know where we are we need to find Eska make sure they're okay I don't know who else could I mean it feels like anyone could be tainted could have been tainted fuck I don't know what this means we're.

[58:25] Never gonna get to sleep again.

[58:28] This is so much work yeah I I'm sorry I'm sorry that we both got dragged into this Like.

[58:36] What the fuck I don't care this much about people Why am I doing this Spite I guess Really, Totally only spite I'm only doing it because I'm angry Totally That's it only reason.

[58:52] He pissed.

[58:53] Me off Killed my friend Came and fucked with my shit It's personal She.

[58:57] Says in perfect meter while playing with her lute.

[59:01] She's rapping This.

[59:04] Isn't a coping mechanism.

[59:10] Yeah.

[59:12] I mean, Thea might be having a battle with her own conscience under normal circumstances. If you got somewhere to run, you just like, peace out. I'm not dealing with this.

[59:23] Yeah, this isn't my problem. This seems like a heap of not my fucking problem.

[59:28] But people, you know, it is their problem.

[59:32] And now it's my problem.

[59:33] And you are in a position to do something about it and as unfortunate makes you the hero.

[59:41] I never thought that I would turn into one of the cliches that I fucking sing about.

[59:47] Well, Thea, I mean, you may not have thought it would ever happen, but you might have secretly wished. I mean, hell, you're a bard. Like, collecting stories, you know, is one thing that you would have had to have done for years. And you had to have some enthusiasm about it. Be like, what was that like, you know? And writing these stories, unless you made them all up. But, you know. And you were a part of a mercenary company Little of column A.

[1:00:13] Little of column B Yeah.

[1:00:15] You just didn't think you'd be Motivated to save anybody you loved Because you didn't think you would have that Maybe.

[1:00:21] It's not the first time I feel like she's needed To save people that she loves But never has it been this dire Or on this kind of scale And that Is what is so Heavy, I've gotta help how many fucking people that I don't know who are and I've been gone for 10 years I don't know what the fuck's going on oh no I knew as soon as she laid down for like one fucking minute it would all catch up I guess this is it this is the moment this is the moment where Thea's brain fucking breaks guys poor.

[1:00:54] Thea so Thea's just kind of sobbing and like not really getting through any of her sentences she'll get halfway through before starting a new one and you know but I never and I didn't mean And because I didn't, you know, kink floof is purring louder and harder, trying to, you know, need at her a bit. I'm sure, Asteris, you're trying to comfort her a bit.

[1:01:15] Yeah, I think Asteris had an emotional reaction to, like, suddenly feeling kind of safe in this awful place. And just like, wow, that was, like, so dangerous. And also coming down from the cum.

[1:01:30] The cum down?

[1:01:31] Yeah, exactly. And so, like, now that we're relaxing a little bit, I think she's feeling better and more able to comfort Thea.

[1:01:39] It's so stupid, Asdras. It's all so fucking stupid.

[1:01:43] I know. It is so stupid.

[1:01:47] While you're, you know, getting through it, letting some of these emotions come out, you haven't really had time to process. It's just happening. You are reminded why you're here. And while it seems like you've changed the landscape so many times, and again, you see the storm clouds are only now over a certain area, and you think you may have finally found where rocks is being tormented.

[1:02:12] And this fucking thing has rocks, and I haven't seen them in so long. I'm stressed. I've been looking for him for years. Ah... and he's right over there and i can't get up.

[1:02:33] It's okay we're gonna get him we got this we're gonna get up and we're gonna go get him we're gonna find him.

[1:02:40] Yeah and.

[1:02:41] You're gonna fuck that dragon.

[1:02:45] Asterisk uh always good for her support uh she's always there to listen her advice is usually like it's time to lock in let's go but it works it's like no you got this because i know you're strong because we're together lock the fuck in bro let's fucking do this you're.

[1:03:03] Gonna fuck that.

[1:03:04] You're gonna fuck that dry fuck everything i just keep patting your back like harder and harder yeah the gauntlet in hand all right ready there.

[1:03:13] Are so many things left on out there.

[1:03:15] I know it's so sad rally soldier, and you guys help each other to rise to your feet as you look down towards your final destination here and we'll end it right there.

[1:03:32] Oh i love that that was good.

[1:03:35] Woof bit of a heavy cliffhanger there but it was only a matter of time before that damn broke be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss the climax of this freaky freaky dream arc, And don't be afraid to throw this episode at any very cool friends you might have. The party's always better with more people. Thank you for listening to the end of another episode. We'll see y'all in the next one. Take care of each other out there.